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Webinar: Introducing the Spark Connector for MongoDB.


No te pierdas el próximo 27 de julio a las 18:00h el webinar que organiza MongoDB: ‘Introducing the Spark Connector for MongoDB’, donde Bryan Reinero nos explicará las ventajas que conlleva que MongoDB y Spark trabajen juntos, y Ernesto Funes compartirá con nosotros la experiencia de Paradigma y Stratio utilizando este conector.

Un webinar muy interesante que tenemos la suerte de patrocinar junto a Stratio y que no deberías perderte.

¿Quiénes son los ponentes?

Ernesto Funes

Ernesto Funes is a Telecommunications Engineer (which cost him 6 years of his life so he better put it to some use XDDDDD) and one of the founders of Paradigma Tecnológico. He has been working on Internet projects since 1997 when he joined Indra as an intern. Currently his job consists in trying to find different ways to implement the latest trends in technology and Internet for the clients of Paradigma, and if the situation allows it, to create spinoffs of Paradigma with their own personality. His passion for Internet is only matched by his passion for good food and good wine ;)

Bryan Reinero

Bryan Reinero is US Developer Advocate at MongoDB fostering understanding and engagement in the community.
